Saturday, February 27, 2010

Thing 9 - Delicious

Not that tasty to me. It was a pain to sign up. Had to get a Yahoo account that I don't really want or need. I added a couple of sites, but honestly, I don't think I will be using this much.


I did the LibraryThing thing. I signed up then added a few books from my library. I was impressed that it was very easy to do. I was also impressed that one of the books I selected was rather, arcane. Few people would have it except for museum professionals. Guess what! It was there. I bought a book this week, a new biography of my baseball hero, Willie Mays. There it was. I added a few other titles -- more baseball bios and some conservative, radical right-wing stuff I like to read.


I've had a Facebook account now for a couple of years. Nevertheless, its only been in the last six months or so that I've used it. I used to be too cool for Facebook. That was something my teenage daughter did. A couple of college buddies started corresponding with me using Facebook. It turned out to be a handy tool. Before I knew it, schoolmates from high school started to contact me. There were only 72 people in my graduating class, and I bet I've been contacted by half of them.


I've used LinkedIn for a number of years now. LinkedIn was one of the earliest attempts to adopt social media to business function. It is, in effect, an online contact management program. I have some 30+ contacts, mainly people I have worked with over the past years. My wife, on the other hand, works in recruiting and she uses the site to keep track of contacts; she has several hundred contacts. What kind of information is in the individual profile? Work info. Contact info. Relationships.

LinkedIn now has an app for iPhone users.

Catching Up

How time flies! (No, not literally. It's just one of those sayings you use when you find you've fallen behind on projects and you need an excuse. Not my bad. No way! It's "Tempus fugit", you know, time flies, not my fault.) That said, look for new posts in the next day or so. Be warned, however, that the flying of time has interrupted the time-blog-order continuum and there is no guarantee that the items will be in 23 things order. I may just blog about a couple of things because I already do them!